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Love Stories and other things

A collection of good things we think will help good people

Indian Buffet and FREE Weddings

New Krishna in Sharonville used to be the best Indian Buffet in Cincinnati. Unless you are vegetarian and then Amma’s Kitchen is better (shout out to Kumar, my veggie fresh homie!).

After covid New Krishna went menu only and didn’t reopen their buffet – until now. The lunch buffet is back and costs $15. We are going to channel our inner Homer and reinforce the stereotypes of Americans being glutenous slobs.

I have been waiting 4 years for this. To celebrate from 1pm to 2pm on August 1st, I will be performing free wedding ceremonies in front of the restaurant.

That is not a joke. If you have ever wanted to get married at an Indian Buffet, this is your chance to do it for free.
If you want to sign up for the free wedding go to www.Dudeist.org/contact

If you don’t want to get married, just want to hang out and nom on some amazing Indian food, then join my MeetUp Group.


Dudeist Jon

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