Dudeist Minister logo with the words "connecting good people"

Love Stories and other things

A collection of good things we think will help good people

Basic Meetup Manners

I run the MeetUp group I Want To Do That, Just Not Alone. Our group is the best in Cincinnati for two simple reasons.

  1. Our organizers and the events they put together are amazeballs!
  2. I kick out anyone who chooses not to be a decent human being.

I want everyone in our group to have a good time. If you need help or have any questions, please call/text the DudeistJon helpline at 513-99-HAPPY

With that in mind, here are a few reminders of how to be a decent human being and have good MeetUp Manners

We are NOT a dating group

There are other ways of dating and finding someone to do the no pants dance with. People join our group because they want to make friends. To do that I offer them a safe and comfortable way to meet new people and make platonic friends.

The Oxford dictionary defines “friend” as “a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of romantic, sexual or family relations.”

If someone hits on you, PLEASE report them. All you have to do is notify the host of the event you are at. If it is online send me a screenshot of the message you received. You aren’t causing trouble. You are helping us keep the group safe and fun for everyone.

My members are my people. I protect them the same as I would my Mom, daughter, son, or best friend. If you hit on my friends, I will drop a ban hammer on you faster than you can say “Hay chickee baby, waz happen ning”.

DudeistJon is only reachable through the DudeistJon Helpline at 513-99-HAPPY

I am DudeistJon. I run the entire group “I Want To Do That, Just Not Alone”. Individual events are hosted by different organizers. Think about it like having a neighborhood block party. I am in charge of the homeowner’s association but different houses are having different kinds of parties with different rules.

Because of all my events and running this group I receive to many alerts, emails and notifications from MeetUp. There is no realistic way for me to keep track of them all so I stopped trying.

If you want to talk to me, ask me a question, or share an idea, the ONLY way to do so is to call or text the DudeistJon HelpLine at 513-99-HAPPY.

Do NOT sign up for MeetUP+

Meetup+ is a $10 monthly fee that allows people some unfair advantages like line jumping. It also causes problems for our organizers because of problems MeetUp+ causes with scheduling. To keep everything equitable, some events will block anyone using MeetUp+ from attending.

Be a real estate agent, not a bank robber

Face pics are not required for our group but they are highly recommended. Some organizers may require them for their individual events. The point in our group is to get out and meet other people. People feel more comfortable coming to events when they know what others look like. Having clear, recent face pics make it easier for us to recognize/find each other at an event.

Think about it, photos of real estate agents are typically

  • Recent (less than 2 years old)
  • Close up pic of their face showing from their shoulders to a few inches above their head
  • No other people/animals/things in the picture.
  • There is never anything covering their face
  • Their pics don’t have filters and are normally colored

Realtors share those because they know it is important to be recognizable.

The pics we see of bank robbers are always from strange angles, far away, they are wearing hats and sunglasses, the pic is blurry or weirdly colored. This makes people hard to recognize.

Your profile pic should look like a real estate agent’s, not a bank robbers.

Abide by the Introduction Rule of Thumb.

If you were introducing me you might say:
This is DudeistJon, he runs our MeetUp group and is in school to be a social worker. He’s a righteous dude.

You would never say:
This is Jonathan Adam Smith and he lives at 123 Main St. His phone number is 513-994-2779. Jon’s ex dumped him because he was emotionally unavailable. He has been going to therapy every week for over a year so now he has really grown and is one of the coolest people I know.

If it is info you wouldn’t share when introducing someone, don’t ask someone to share that info with you. For some people the world is a very scary place. Let’s err on the side of caution and let people share what they want to share.

Don’t ask for personal details. Be a kind human and people will share when they are ready.

Treat our Event Organizers like your friends

You wouldn’t cancel last minute on a friend would you?

Or even ruder, not contact them and just no show?

If you are going to a party the first thing you do is walk up to the person who arranged the party and thank them, right?

Would you leave a party without saying thank you and goodbye?

Show kindness to our organizers. They are what make our group great so they deserve the same respect and consideration we show our friends. If you disrespect my organizers, I will kick you out.

I understand different people have different ways of doing things. If you don’t agree with any of these manners/rules, call me and lets have a conversation about it BEFORE YOU JOIN.

Thanks for abiding!



Dudeist Jon

  1. Greetings from California. Hi my name is Reverend Mark and I have been ordained for a little over a year. I ran across your site while looking for a group like yours. I think you have a great idea with your meetup group. Since I am relatively new, I wonder if you know of any groups like yours out here in California. I live in a small city and I’m pretty sure I’m the only minister in my area. It would be nice to discuss Dudely ideas and thoughts with likeminded Dudes.

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